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Naoto TANNNO: Breath
Written by KALONSNET Editor   
Published: December 03 2009

(2009); 1620×500mm, courtesy of the artist and Gallery Teo copy right(c) Naoto TANNO

The contrast between the artificial light made by LED, and the buildings drawn with a straight and simple traversable line, makes a cold inorganic world.

"When I walk street at night, I see artificial lights in which I feel as if a person is quietly but strongly breathing. And I guess it is because if the natural light such as the sunlight or fire is made by the God, the lights from buildings or the street are made by human beings who try to reach the God. But the breathing is subtle and you will never hear it unless you try to listen carefully. You can feel the various emotions from the light, only by being sensitive and imaginative.

His new works will be shown at this exhibition. You are cordially invited to the opening reception which will be held on 4th of December from 17:00. * The text provided by Gallery Teo.

Last Updated on December 04 2009

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