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Yukiko Iwatani
Published: February 08 2013

Atago-machi, Kochi city/Sep. 28. 2012
3.5×3.5×11.5 cm

Artist Comment; I collect plants and create my works with a little arrangement on them in order not to damage the feeling I received from them. Wild animals die to feed other animals and insects and eventually become a part of soil and feed plants. We, human beings also used to be a part of this circulation. Now, I hear the whisper of plants that still remember the memory of old days when we were a part of them. 

(Yukiko Iwatani)

作家在廊予定:2/6, 9, 10, 23, 24

全文提供:Gallery Jin Projects
会期:February 6 (wed.) ー 24 (sun.), 2013
Closed on Monday and Tuesday
会場:Gallery Jin Projects
Last Updated on February 06 2013

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