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Johji Karatsu:Regeneration of (Dif)fuse
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Published: May 28 2009

copy right(c) Johji KARATSU / Courtesy of art project frantic

Regeneration of (Dif)fuse - The dynamism of abstract and concrete in art of Johji Karatsu It all starts when a man meets a woman… in the passionate bond of a sexual act. It is the moment when the two of them slip into a state where they forget their age, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, political convictions and all else. It is the moment when they even forget their own sex. It is now on the peak of repetitive movements, united breath, sweat and heat when they finally start to melt. Thus, two become one, with absolutely no chance to ever grasp themselves from the outside. They are no longer Subjects of their act. No, they belong to the movement, to the flow, to the coitus. They are objects of all absorbing spreading coitus. The (dif)fusion occurs in the psychological dimension: they no longer act as separate entities; they no longer know who they are; they no longer know. Their (dif)fusion occurs in the figurative dimension: we no longer find separating lines between them; we no longer distinguish the figure from the background; we no longer recognize the figure; we no longer recognize. Consequently, their (dif)fusion is “interactive”: it takes us in. We fuse with the represented coitus, participate in it and eventually (dif)fuse with the amalgamated bodies. Such is an intercourse Johji Karastu proposes to us. The sexual fusion he depicts not only differs from pornography it is opposed to porno. Pornography offers a mechanism to easily identify with the participating characters, the consequent pleasure and satisfaction: Porno serves the Pleasure Drive. Karatsu offers a mechanism that dissolves subjectivity, provokes anxiety and a sense of being lost: he gives way to the powers of The Death Drive. Thus, we participate in a sexual act, which is recreated in its most radical manifestations. It is sexuality that disclose in itself something that beyond Eros, reproduction or banal life-giving. Karatsu generate act that through its orgasmic peak leads to Nirvana, to minimum degree of tension, to total and complete dispersion, namely,…to Death, both in its psychological and figurative dimensions. * The text was provided by art project frantic.

Last Updated on June 05 2009

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