Introduction: Gallery incurve kyoto, which features about twenty artists who belong to“Social Welfare Foundation SOOHKAI atelier incurve,” is a commercial gallery that plans exhibition and sales. The very first exhibition Draws and Flows is curated by Takahiro Okazawa, the designer of his own apparel brands “Cycle” and “CLS.” Shinki Tomoyuki is keen on martial arts and draws fighters using color pencils or computer graphics. Okazawa says that he feels some flow in the bold lines and colors in Shinki's creations. Their heaving form and trace of time were what Okazawa sensed while selecting and displaying the artworks. You may see different scenery and hear some resonance in this space composed by Okazawa, who is also a fan of martial arts.
Profile: Tomoyuki Shinki , artist Born in Osaka in 1982, Shinki is an avid fan of hand-to-hand combat. The intertwined, muscular bodies of rugged fighters are delicately outlined and boldly exaggerated. Galleries in New York and museums in Japan, such as Suntory Museum, Osaka, have shown Shinki's artworks several times. In 2012, his works will also be shown in “Atelier Incurve Exhibition (tentative title)” at Japan Society, New York.
Takahiro Okazawa, curator Born in Tokyo in 1975, Okazawa is a representative of Cycle co., ltd and director of “CYCLE” and “CLS.” He founded his own apparel brand CYCLE in 2001 and then its classic collection CLS in 2004. These brands continue to present smart and individual wear in selected materials and the concept of functional beauty. One percent of the sales is to be used for public benefit.
* The text provided by gallery incurve | kyoto.
Period: Saturday, June 5 - Sunday, July 25, 2010 Venue: gallery incurve | kyoto