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Masakatsu TAKAGI: Ymene
Written by KALONSNET Editor   
Published: August 15 2010

"Ymene" (2010); Movie data, courtesy of the artist and YAMAMOTO GENDAI, copyright © Katsuhisa Takagi

Masakatsu Takagi’s new exhibition titled Ymene who presents new video piece of the same title. This will be his first presentation of gallery exhibition piece in 2 years.

“Ymene” is a coinage by Takagi and stands for “roots of dreams”, created after 2 precedeing commissioned pieces, [Homicevalo]and[NIHITI]. In [Homicevalo], Takagi attempted to develop a mythical tale of relationship between human and horses, while[NIHITI] was his exploration to capture human perception through human body cells.

Currently in production, [Ymene] is being created by a series of random images taken along Takagi’s travels. Collection of these random encounters has been always the foundation of his animation. The results of animation by the series of these images never turn out to be unpredictable, and he claims that it is only in the uncontrollable outcomes where artists can make full use of their talents.

While we find great beauty in the flowing vivid colors, Takagi’s video works always seem to make us feel something terrifying and ephemeral. In expectation of the new piece [Ymene], we cannot help but wonder what we will be seeing when his expression meets the “roots of dreams”.

* The text provided by YAMAMOTO GENDAI.

Opened dates: September 25 - October 16, 2010

Last Updated on September 25 2010

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