Written by KALONSNET Editor
Published: February 12 2010 |
The progress of modern society reveals radical changes in man’s relationship to nature. The initial opposing boundaries of wilderness and culture and mans interaction with nature forms the logic of ‘Tales from the Limen.’ In religion, mythologies, literature and the Legends that make up Western culture the forest appears as a place where the logic of distinction goes astray and subjective sensibilities become confounded. The forest can be seen as a place where perceptions become undiscriminating with one another, disclosing hidden dimensions of time and consciousness. In the forest the inanimate may suddenly come to life, the god turns into a beast, the virtuous Knight degenerates into a wild man, the straight line forms a circle, and the ordinary gives way to the magical. Forests provide potent and vivid symbols of life, death, regeneration, social process and collective identity. The Forest then serves as a fitting symbol of transience, a malleable, interchangeable arena to reflect on societies relationship to nature whilst simultaneously allowing me to indulge in a formal sense the dynamic and rich visual possibilities that are inherent in this theme. - BY ROBERT PLATT
Platt says “Understanding the past’s traditions of nature, in folk culture, science, aesthetics philosophy and religion, is a source of insight to the present and also for the future.” In his works, Platt tries to reveal the complex contradictions between nature and technology, science and art, between empiricism and the ideal, and between aesthetic conventions in our social relations to the natural world. We believe “harmony and resistance in various aspects between human beings and the nature ” have been repeated since the very beginning of Human History on this planet. Platt’s works express their insights by his incredibly elaborate brush strokes. Seeing the unlimited numbers of elements included in Platt’s works, we are slowly absorbed into his paintings. Platt is completing Doctoral Course in Fine Arts in Oil Painting at Kyoto City University of Arts and “TALES FROM THE LIMEN” will be his last exhibition in Japan before he returns to England. * The text provided by eN arts.
Last Updated on February 05 2010 |