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ASK? Image Festival
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Published: July 31 2009

Courtesy of ASK? art space kimura copy right(c) Masanori OKAMOTO

The fifth ASK? Image Festival is opened with the following program; Part 1 (27th July - 1st Aug.); screening the work of the grand prize winner, Masanori OKAMOTO Part 2 (3rd - 8th Aug.); screening the work of the prize winners, Keita ONISHI, Hiroko ICHINOSE, and Youki HIRAKAWA Part 3 (24th - 26th Aug.); screening the work of ASK? Image Festival

Last Updated on July 27 2009

Editor's Note by Satoshi Koganezawa

It is the fifth “ASK? Image Festival” and the first exhibition shows the grand prize winner of “ASK? Image Festival Competition” in 2008. This is Masanori OKAMOTO’s animation, including “Pank-naoshi” (puncture repairer) (2008) and “Ba-a-chan” (grand-mom) (2007) and the original cutouts and materials. “Pank-naoshi” is an image with a scene in which someone is seen repairing a bicycle puncture, and it was made into an animated cartoon as its name suggests. At first, I was not sure why he had devised such a scene. However, there is a thorough elaborateness in the work, resulting from the detailed observation of the "Puncture repair" work, and it has the power to drag those who see it into the screen with a jerk.

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